Silverstein planned to mark their 20th anniversary in 2020 with a new record and tour. The album A Beautiful Place to Drown came out but the tour was, of course, cancelled.
When the band decided to reimagine the song Infinite in response to the times we’re living in, they asked fans from around the world to call in their thoughts. Widespread anxiety and trepidation is shared in the voice recordings included in the music video, which is underpinned by footage of eerily empty Canadian streets.

Guitarist Paul Marc Rosseau eloquently explained: “Infinite was born in the black hole of anxiety—unable to remember ‘normal,’ the fear of not knowing when the feeling will end, or if it will end at all. I think everyone has experienced that type of anxiety to some extent, and for me being locked down in the early stages of COVID-19 poured gas on the fire.”
“Facets of anxiety that once felt difficult to name or truly pin down slowly became concrete, tangible things. The sadness I was experiencing was no longer abstract or personalized, it was something practically everyone on Earth was relating to in real-time. As days became weeks and weeks became months, it was hard, if not impossible, to see any light at the end of the tunnel.”
“I love the album version of Infinite. It screams into the void. It captures the emotional and physical frustration, the anger of being trapped in an anxious loop. But as of late, I feel more sadness than anger, and I thought Infinite – which for months now has felt more relevant than I ever could have known – could be rearranged to feel more like I feel.”
On the eve of a new lockdown, we’re going to need music as a mirror and a comfort more than ever, so why not check out if Silverstein (and their fans) feel like you feel?
A Beautiful Place to Drown is out now on UNFD.
Photo Credit: Wyatt Clough