Music News: M. Ward lit an Arcade Fire under Migration Stories

M. Ward

What do you do when you’re ready to work on your tenth album that’s themed around human migration? Head North, of course!

M. Ward journeyed to Montreal in Canada to work with Arcade Fire’s Tim Kingsbury, Richard Reed Parry, Teddy Impakt, and producer and mixer Craig Silvey. They added a languid, hazy feel to music from a performer who’s already known for tapping into otherworldly soundscapes.

M. Ward
Photo Credit: Wrenne Evans

A sci-fi fast forward to a more silent night many generations from here to a maybe-era where movement is free again

M. Ward

Ward is ready to take us on a journey blurring contemporary preoccupations with post-apocalyptic fantasy and visions of the past, including a version of the 1940 cowboy ballad Along The Santa Fe Trail.

If the name doesn’t sound familiar, maybe the voice will be. M. Ward is one half of She & Him, the other being Zooey Deschanel. He’s also collaborated with Conor Oberst and toured with Mavis Staples, Jenny Lewis, Lucinda Williams, and Norah Jones.

Honey drizzled onto a dry creekbed

Uncut Magazine, describing M. Ward’s voice

Migration Stories is due out on April 3, 2020, on Anti Records.