Single Review: Liv Austen – Window Shopping

Still trying to get Liv Austen’s catchy af singles Don’t Regret a Single One and The Next Time out of your head?

Ooooh ooooh ooooh ooooh. *Now* you are!

The solution is another cracking Liv Austen song, Window Shopping. It was co-written with Kaity Rae so you know it’s an absolute banger.

It’s surely destined to be Austen’s third Chris Country radio A-list single in a row, and one of many highlights on her forthcoming debut album.

Wondering what Window Shopping sounds like?


Obviously gifs don’t lie, but here’s the proof – the super-cute video for Window Shopping is out now!

You can download Window Shopping on iTunes and stream it (repeatedly) on Spotify. If Amazon’s your shop of choice, click the pretty picture below and I’ll get a teeny tiny cut of anything you spend to put towards my new camera fund! (So, while you’re there, is your laptop a little slow these days? Do you need a new TV?) 😉

While you’re listening to Window Shopping all the time forever, check out my behind the scenes photos and interview about the making of the video for Liv Austen’s previous single, Don’t Regret A Single One.